Friday 28 January 2011

Preliminary Task 2

We did a second film shoot about a blind date but this time taking into account why we used the locations and why we chose to use certain camera shots. For Example we chose this location as we felt that the apple trees & small house in the background went well with the romantic atmosphere we were attempting to create

Peter Gatling- Actor
Rhys Garland- Actor
Grant Millard- Camera Man/ Director
Matias Green- Camera Man/ Director

Preliminary Task

Here is our preliminary task in which we were asked to feature a character walking through a door and exchanging a few short lines of dialog with match on action

Peter Gatling-Actor
Rhys Garland-Actor
Grant Millard-Camera Man/ Director
Matias Green-Camera Man/ Director

No Country For Old Men Opening Analysis

The Scene starts with a black screen & a voice over from Tommy Lee Jones's character, it then switches from a black screen to establishing shots of a western landscape. The camera then pans to a shot an officer putting a man in the car. The sequence then continues to a scene in the station with the officer in focus while on the phone and the man arrested in the previous scene blurred in the background getting up off his seat slowly walking toward the officer on the phone, while the camera slowly zooms to the officer.

The camera then zooms in on the chain of the mans handcuffs choking the officer although this quickly jumps in and out of the shot, connoting the chaoticness the of the situation. The camera then zooms to the face of the man choking the office, this allows the audience to only react the the emotion on the mans face rather than the police officer.

The Da Vinci Code

For the opening of our short film we have decided to do it in the genre of crime thriller, i have therefore watch the opening of a film in this genre, the Da vinci Code. The Film opens with computer generated titles which lead on to a long shot of a dark room with pictures in, you see the first man running into the room but you can only see the shadow of the second man, this makes him seem more intimidating to the audience and represents him in mysterious ways, this mysteriousness is also supported by the hooded cloak seen later on in the sequence.

Then we see a close up of the weapon the cloaked man is holding, until the man pulls down his when the gun the blurs and we can clearly see the mans face but the gun is still in the shot. The camera then zooms into the gun as it is cocked, This creates a suspense to the audience as the gun is then not pulled but instead we see a pan view of the building seeing through the glass building as the first man in the suit prays to god, this gives the impression that the audience as being able to be god, in the way he looks down on the characters.

The camera then has a close up to the first man in a suits face, showing his worried face the camera then cuts to a close up of the gun, which is then pulled leading to a medium shot of the man getting shot. The sequence then parallel edits between the man who has just been shot slowly dying and Tom Hanks character giving a speech