Tuesday 26 April 2011

Friday 4 March 2011


By Rhys Garland
(Researched by All of the group)

What do you personally feel is a suitable age range for a Crime/Thriller?

A - PG
B - 12A
C - 15
D - 18

In a Crime Thriller do you want the Killers face to be concealed (this way finding out at the same time as the detective) or visible to the audience

A - Concealed
B - Visible

Results from the questionnaire published online on my own blog (as shown at the bottom of the page in which 14 people voted shows that people want...
The Film to be a 15 winning by 42% of votes.
The Murderer's face will be concealed winning by 64% of votes.
viewers wish to see blood within the film winning by 85% of votes.
Filming with be a mix between hand held and steady cam as it was an even 50% on both votes.
lighting will be weak winning by 50%  of votes , but with budget being somewhat nearly nothing we will have to go with natural.


Berri (Matias Green's Father)

Camo Trousers (Bought from army supply shop)
White T-Shirt (Bought from clothes shop)



Shot List (New Edit)

Street. EFT:

A-Walking down the road from different angles

B-long shot from the back

C-mid/long-shot from the back

D-mid/close up of boots, chest (showing badges) top of head (showing the army beret)

E-low shot of boots walking towards the camera and stopping , camera pans upwards before tilting to reveal from the back of a photo covering the mans face

F-over the shoulder shot of man looking at the photograph of him and his thumb over his own face then scrunching the photo and putting it back in his pocket

G-mid-shot of the boots arcing in an upwards motion to chest(spiral)

H-mid/close-up of boots from a profile position beginning to walking off left of screen.

I-hand held camera tracking (over the shoulder shot) to door

J-over the (arm) shoulder shot of hand pushing unlocked door door open

K-mid/long shot over the road towards of man walking to, and pushing, unlocked door.

Indoors. EFT:

A- long shot of door though corridor

B- over the (Hammer) shoulder shot of man walking in to house , picking up the hammer

C- camera placed on stair case pointing towards door of room 1

D- Mid-shot of feet walking out of room 1. photograph falling infront of camera .

E-point of view shot stationary looking around with a shot of the hammer (Placed on toolbox), then picking up Hammer then opening the door of an walking into room 1.

Street. EFT (Estimated Filming Time) :

A-Dolly zoom out from house (Light). Peter and Matias in Forensic Overalls if unobtainable they will be in shirt and Tie and standing at the house door (door covered with (do not cross) tape, once reaching a certain point Rhys will walk into shot from the right in a suit standing facing towards the camera, Camera tilts upwards to reveal his face bfore Rhys turns and walks towards house.

Street. EFT:

A- Dolly zoom out from house (Dark)

Hammer Mind Map

Friday 11 February 2011

Shot List

1- Military man walks up his road towards his home
 Location - street 1,2 or 3
A-Close up of mans feet walking down street towards his home
B-Upwards tilt to show military uniform
C-Mid shot arc showing suitcase depicting that he is returning home from the army
D-Over shoulder of man pulling out picture of his partner
E- Long shot of outside of home while man turns into drive of approaches door
F-Mid shot profile of man opening door and entering home

2- Military Man in hallway of home
Location- House hallway 1,2 or 3
A-Over the shoulder shot (of Hammer on top of tool box)
B-Man picking up hammer (Same camera placement & shot)
C-High angle mid shot of mans face & torso
D-Close up of mans face showing reaction of hearing noises

3- Military Man walking up stairs
Location- House stairs 1,2 or 3
Shots to be decided on location

4- Military Man walking along upper hallway
Location- House upstairs hallway 1, 2 or 3
A-Medium close up of feet
B-Track of mans feet walking along upper hallway
C-Close up of mans hand opening the door (showing wedding ring)
D-low camera shot of feet , door opens to show bed with a man and a women "cheating"

5- Military Man in bedroom with wife and other man
Location- House bedroom 1,2 or 3
A-Over shoulder shot of military man looking at wife & other man
B-Medium close up of woman and man (depicting the woman's worried look)
C-Close up of military mans hand tightening around the gip of the hammer (wife out of focus in the background)

6- Cut to computer generated titles 'Hammer'

7-Cut to shot of a detective outside house a few hours later
Location- Street 1,2 or 3
A-Upwards tilt from detectives feet to to his face (as he gets out of car)

Initial Film Ideas

Story Board

Here is a rough story board we have done (Matias Green)

Saturday 5 February 2011

Reservoir Dogs Opening Analysis

The film opening begins with titles in a black screen with a voice over, this then cuts to scene in a cafe where the camera pans around the table giving the audience a view of everyone sat at the table, the characters are wearing black suits & smoking cigarettes denoting the stereotypical of successful men, except for one man who is wearing a blue jogging suit denoting him to be different to the other characters sat around the table.

Several times in this opening the camera cuts and then pans from behind one of the men's back giving the illusion that the camera is contently panning around the table. while diegetic dialog is being exchanged throughout the entire opening.


So we can gain an accurate understanding of what audiences would like to see in crime thriller films we have put together a short questionnaire.

Crime Thriller Movie Opening Questionnaire

When going to watch a crime thriller in the cinemas what do you want/ expect to see?

When a murder is taking places would you like the see the blood or a close up of the murderer/ victims face clearly showing the intense emotions or the weapon being used?

When watching a crime film do you want to know who the killer is straight away or keep it a mystery until the end allowing you to make your own guesses?

What is the first thing you think of if you heard there was a crime thriller film called hammer?

What lighting do you associate with a crime thriller film?

Initial Film Proposal

'Hammer' movie poster Matias Green
Our idea is based around the genre of crime thriller. The opening starts with a decorated military man getting out of his car & entering his home. The man hears noises coming from upstairs so he looks at a tool box lying on the floor and picks up a hammer out of it, he then walks upstairs to find his wife in bed with another man. He then tell the man to get out, this then leads to a close up of the mans hand tightening around the handle of the hammer, while is wife is still visible in the background but slightly out of focus. This then cuts the the titles 'Hammer' & the opening then finishes with a shot of a police man.

Friday 28 January 2011

Preliminary Task 2

We did a second film shoot about a blind date but this time taking into account why we used the locations and why we chose to use certain camera shots. For Example we chose this location as we felt that the apple trees & small house in the background went well with the romantic atmosphere we were attempting to create

Peter Gatling- Actor
Rhys Garland- Actor
Grant Millard- Camera Man/ Director
Matias Green- Camera Man/ Director

Preliminary Task

Here is our preliminary task in which we were asked to feature a character walking through a door and exchanging a few short lines of dialog with match on action

Peter Gatling-Actor
Rhys Garland-Actor
Grant Millard-Camera Man/ Director
Matias Green-Camera Man/ Director

No Country For Old Men Opening Analysis

The Scene starts with a black screen & a voice over from Tommy Lee Jones's character, it then switches from a black screen to establishing shots of a western landscape. The camera then pans to a shot an officer putting a man in the car. The sequence then continues to a scene in the station with the officer in focus while on the phone and the man arrested in the previous scene blurred in the background getting up off his seat slowly walking toward the officer on the phone, while the camera slowly zooms to the officer.

The camera then zooms in on the chain of the mans handcuffs choking the officer although this quickly jumps in and out of the shot, connoting the chaoticness the of the situation. The camera then zooms to the face of the man choking the office, this allows the audience to only react the the emotion on the mans face rather than the police officer.

The Da Vinci Code

For the opening of our short film we have decided to do it in the genre of crime thriller, i have therefore watch the opening of a film in this genre, the Da vinci Code. The Film opens with computer generated titles which lead on to a long shot of a dark room with pictures in, you see the first man running into the room but you can only see the shadow of the second man, this makes him seem more intimidating to the audience and represents him in mysterious ways, this mysteriousness is also supported by the hooded cloak seen later on in the sequence.

Then we see a close up of the weapon the cloaked man is holding, until the man pulls down his when the gun the blurs and we can clearly see the mans face but the gun is still in the shot. The camera then zooms into the gun as it is cocked, This creates a suspense to the audience as the gun is then not pulled but instead we see a pan view of the building seeing through the glass building as the first man in the suit prays to god, this gives the impression that the audience as being able to be god, in the way he looks down on the characters.

The camera then has a close up to the first man in a suits face, showing his worried face the camera then cuts to a close up of the gun, which is then pulled leading to a medium shot of the man getting shot. The sequence then parallel edits between the man who has just been shot slowly dying and Tom Hanks character giving a speech