Friday 4 March 2011

Shot List (New Edit)

Street. EFT:

A-Walking down the road from different angles

B-long shot from the back

C-mid/long-shot from the back

D-mid/close up of boots, chest (showing badges) top of head (showing the army beret)

E-low shot of boots walking towards the camera and stopping , camera pans upwards before tilting to reveal from the back of a photo covering the mans face

F-over the shoulder shot of man looking at the photograph of him and his thumb over his own face then scrunching the photo and putting it back in his pocket

G-mid-shot of the boots arcing in an upwards motion to chest(spiral)

H-mid/close-up of boots from a profile position beginning to walking off left of screen.

I-hand held camera tracking (over the shoulder shot) to door

J-over the (arm) shoulder shot of hand pushing unlocked door door open

K-mid/long shot over the road towards of man walking to, and pushing, unlocked door.

Indoors. EFT:

A- long shot of door though corridor

B- over the (Hammer) shoulder shot of man walking in to house , picking up the hammer

C- camera placed on stair case pointing towards door of room 1

D- Mid-shot of feet walking out of room 1. photograph falling infront of camera .

E-point of view shot stationary looking around with a shot of the hammer (Placed on toolbox), then picking up Hammer then opening the door of an walking into room 1.

Street. EFT (Estimated Filming Time) :

A-Dolly zoom out from house (Light). Peter and Matias in Forensic Overalls if unobtainable they will be in shirt and Tie and standing at the house door (door covered with (do not cross) tape, once reaching a certain point Rhys will walk into shot from the right in a suit standing facing towards the camera, Camera tilts upwards to reveal his face bfore Rhys turns and walks towards house.

Street. EFT:

A- Dolly zoom out from house (Dark)

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