Friday 4 March 2011


By Rhys Garland
(Researched by All of the group)

What do you personally feel is a suitable age range for a Crime/Thriller?

A - PG
B - 12A
C - 15
D - 18

In a Crime Thriller do you want the Killers face to be concealed (this way finding out at the same time as the detective) or visible to the audience

A - Concealed
B - Visible

Results from the questionnaire published online on my own blog (as shown at the bottom of the page in which 14 people voted shows that people want...
The Film to be a 15 winning by 42% of votes.
The Murderer's face will be concealed winning by 64% of votes.
viewers wish to see blood within the film winning by 85% of votes.
Filming with be a mix between hand held and steady cam as it was an even 50% on both votes.
lighting will be weak winning by 50%  of votes , but with budget being somewhat nearly nothing we will have to go with natural.

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